2014年6月11日至17日,国际知名阻燃化学专家一行,包括意大利Camino教授(都灵理工大学)法国Bourbigot和Gaëlle Fontaine教授(里尔国立高等化学专科学校)、英国Hull教授(中兰开夏大学)、Kandola教授(Bolton大学)、德国Döring教授(德国聚合物研究所)、Schartel教授(BAM联邦材料研究与测试研究院)、比利时Beyer博士(Kabelwerk EUPEN AG实验室主管)共8人将先后访问新葡的京集团3512vip,期间拟开展“阻燃化学国际学术活动”,活动为期一周,活动形式包括基础课程讲授及培训、前沿进展讲座、双边学术讨论等。此次活动旨在提高学院学科国际影响、促进双方交流合作、培养学生(尤其是高年级创新班本科生)综合素质。具体日程(包括课程讲授和双边研讨会,地点:化321)安排如下:
| | | Recent advances in the use of nanocomposites in fire retardancy
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| | An overview of fire retardants
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| | | Investigation of fire retardant mechanisms
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| | The possibilities of flame retardancy within the European cable industry with a focus on non-halogen flame retardants
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| | | Quantifying flammability (mostly using the cone calorimeter)
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| | Issues of scaling in assessing fire retardant effectiveness
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| | | Intumescence: A concept for the reaction and resistance to fire of materials
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| | From Green to greener Fire Retarded biobased polymers
| | | Composites and fire: A journey from 1 nm to 50 cm
| | | Phosphorus containing compounds as flame retardants in engineering plastics