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澳大利亚Cytopia Ltd首席科学家曾军博士在我院进行学术报告


2007年11月29日上午,在研究生楼1区102教室,澳大利亚Cytopia Ltd首席科学家,我校兼职教授曾军博士进行了题为《Computational design of inhibitors of ros-rof interaction》的学术报告,新葡的京集团3512vip、化工学院等单位的180余名师生参加了报告会。会上,新葡的京集团3512vip院长胡常伟教授为曾军博士颁发了学校兼职教授聘书。 另外此次回国,曾军博士还参加新葡的京集团3512vip100周年院庆的有关活动,并同有关专家和课题组进行了学术讨论。曾军博士简介: 曾军博士1995年毕业于澳大利亚的悉尼大学,先后在法国和澳大利亚作为NHMRC C. J. Matin 研究员从事计算化学的研究工作,目前是澳大利亚Cytopia Research Pty Ltd的首席科学家。在生物分子的结构和相互作用以及电子光谱的溶剂效应方面做了大量的工作,已在JACS, JCP, JPC和JCC等SCI收录期刊上发表论文30篇。Current appointment Principal Scientist at Cytopia LtdAcademic background B.Sc. Jilin University, China 1983 - 1987 M.Sc. Jilin University, China 1987 - 1990 Ph.D. University of Sydney 1991 - 1995 C.Chem. Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1997Previous appointments: 1996 - 1998 NHMRC C.J. Martin Fellow, Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale, Institut de Genetique et Biologie Moleculaire et Cellular (IGBMC), France 1998 –2000 NHMRC C.J. Martin Fellow, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Australia 2001 - Principal Scientist, Cytopia Research Pty Ltd, AustraliaScientific discipline Member, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.Postgraduate teaching involvement Honours (4th year) Don Havelberg, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Australia (2000) Ph.D. Student Nicolas Calimet, Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale, Strasbourg, France (1997-1998)Research grants, honours and prizes: 1991 - 1994 Australian Research Council Postgraduate Research Scholarship. 1991 - 1994 University of Sydney Scholarship. 1993 University of Sydney Travel Grant 1996 –2000 NHMRC C.J. Martin Fellowship 2001 Visiting Research Fellow, La Trobe University, Australia 2001-2003 Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University, China Invited Conference Presentations: 2000 Chairperson (bioinformatics session), 6th Australian Molecular Modelling Workshop, Melbourne, Australia 2001 4th International Conference on Molecular Structural Biology, Vienna, AustriaOrganization of workshops and conferences: Dec. 2000 6th Australian Molecular Modelling Workshop, Melbourne, Australia


