
Liang-Wen Feng     

Research direction: Synthesis and processing of organic semiconductor

Contact information:

Email: liangwenfeng@scu.edu.cn


1.        Design and synthesis of novel conjugated polymer and small molecules for organic photoelectric materials;

2.        Devices processing and fabrication of Organic semiconductor


04/2021-now: Tenure-Track Professor, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University;

02/2018-01/2021: Postdoctor, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, the United States, Supervisor: Prof. Tobin J. Marks, Prof. Antonio Facchetti;

08/2017-12/2017: Reserch assistant, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences                                                     

09/2012-07/2017: Ph. D., Degree (Major in Organometallic Chemistry), State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, P. R. China, Supervisor: Prof. Yong Tang.                                      

09/2008-06/2012: B. S., Degree (Major in Chemistry) College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Sichuan, P. R. China; Supervisor: Prof. Bo Liu.                                                                                        


(1)  Wang, Gang#; Feng, Liang-Wen#; Huang, Wei#; Mukherjee, Subhrangsu; Chen, Yao; Shen, Dengke; Wang, Binghao; Strzalka, Joseph; Zheng, Ding; Melkonyan, Ferdinand S.; Yan, Jinhui; Stoddart, J. Fraser; Fabiano, Simone; DeLongchamp, Dean M.*; Zhu, Meifang*; Facchetti, Antonio*; Marks, Tobin J.*; Mixed-flow design for microfluidic printing of two-component polymer semiconductor systems, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2020, 117(30): 17551-17557.


(2)  Feng, Liang-Wen#; Chen, Jianhua#; Mukherjee, Subhrangsu; Sangwan, Vinod K.; Huang, Wei; Chen, Yao; Zheng, Ding; Strzalka, Joseph W.; Wang, Gang; Hersam, Mark C.*; DeLongchamp, Dean*; Facchetti, Antonio*; Marks, Tobin J.*; Readily Accessible Benzo[d]thiazole Polymers for Nonfullerene Solar Cells with>16% Efficiency and Potential Pitfalls, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5(6): 1780-1787.


(3)   Feng, Liang-Wen#; Ren, Hai#; Xiong, Hu; Wang, Pan; Wang, Lijia*; Tang, Yong*; Reaction of Donor-Acceptor Cyclobutanes with Indoles: A General Protocol for the Formal Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Strychnine and the Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Akuammicine, Angewante Chemie-International Edition, 2017,56: 3055-3058.

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(4)  Hu, Jiang-Lin; Feng, Liang-Wen; Wang, Lijia; Xie, Zuowei*; Tang, Yong*; Li, Xiaoge; Enantioselective Construction of Cyclobutanes: A New and Concise Approach to the Total Synthesis of (+)-Piperarborenine B, Journal of The American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(40): 13151-13154.


(5)  Feng, Liang-Wen#; Wang, Peng#; Wang, Lijia; Tang, Yong*; Copper(I)/SaBOX catalyzed highly diastereo- and enantio-selective cyclopropanation of cis-1,2-disubstituted olefins with α-nitrodiazoacetates, Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(2): 210-215.

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(6)  Wang, P.; Feng, L.-W.; Wang, L.-J.; Li, J.-F.; Liao, S.; Tang. Y. Asymmetric 1, 2-Perfluoroalkyl Migration: Easy Access to Enantioenriched α-Hydroxy -α-perfluoroalkyl Esters Journal of The American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 4626.


Academic Treatise

(1) Huang, Wei; Feng, LiangWen; Wang, Gang; Reichmanis, Elsa; Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Smart Clothing, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2020.



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