
Xu, Dingguo     

Research direction: 1. Theoretical study of enzymatic reaction mechanism 2. Multiscale simulation for the interaction for systems of biomolecules-solid surface, protein-protein and protein-ligand. 3. High-throughput computing techniques in the material science 4. Development of machine learning algorithms in predicting material properties and structural construction

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Education And Academic Experience

  • 2008-current, Professor of Chemistry in Sichuan University, College of Chemistry

  • 2005-2008, Research Assistant Professor in University of New Mexico

  •  2003-2005, Postdoctoral fellow in University of New Mexico (with Prof. Hua Guo)

  •  2001-2003 Visiting Ph.D student in University of New Mexico (with Prof. Hua Guo)

     · 1998 - 2003: Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.

Advisor: Prof. Daiqian Xie

Dissertation: Theoretical Studies on molecular vibrational excited

  states and Photodissociation dynamics using quantum recursive  


  •  1994 - 1998: B.Sc in Chemistry

 Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


1、Jing Xiong* and Dingguo Xu*, Mechanistic Insights into the      Hydrolysis of O-GlcNAcylation Catalyzed by Human O-GlcNAcase, J.      Phys. Chem. B, 2020, 124, (42) 9310-9322.

2、Ruihan Wang, Yeshuang Zhong, Leming Bi, Mingli Yang and Dingguo Xu*, Accelerating      Discovery of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Methane Adsorption with      Hierarchical Screening and Deep Learning, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,      2020, 12, 52797-52807.

3、Qingyu Liu, Zhiyu Xue, and Dingguo Xu*, Molecular Dynamic Characteraizations of Si-Doped Biomemetic Hydroxyapatite      Nanoparticle, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 19704-19715.

4、Yeshuang Zhong, Ruihan Wang, Zhien Lin, Xin Wang, Gang Jiang, Mingli      Yang and Dingguo Xu*, First Principle Mechanistic Investigations of A Ti-MOF      Decorated with Pt Nano Clusters Cocatalyst for Efficient Photocatalytic H2      Evolution, Front. Chem., 2020,8, 660.

5、Jiaxu Zhang#, Chaochao Qin#, Yeshuang Zhong#, Xiang Wang, Wei Wang,      Dandan Hu, Xiaoshuang Liu, Chaozhuang Xue, Rui Zhou, Lei Shen, Yinglin      Song, Dingguo Xu, Zhien Lin, Jun Guo, Haifeng Su, Dong-Sheng Li,      and Tao Wu*, Atomically precise metal-chalcogenide semiconductor molecular      nanoclusters with high dispersibility: Designed synthesis and intracluster      photocarrier dynamics, Nano Res., 2020, 13(10): 2828–2836.

6、Xiaoyu Zhao, Zhiyu Xue, Xin Wang*, Kefeng Wang* and Dingguo Xu, Molecular      Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies on Adsorption/Desorption      Behavior of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 on β-Tricalcium Phosphate Surface,      Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 16747—16759.

7、Bing Han#, Jing Wang#, Yong Liu, Xiang Wang,      Chaozhuang Xue, Jing Lv, Zhou Wu, Rui Zhou, Dingguo Xu,*,      Dong-Sheng Li, and Tao Wu*, Two Copper-Rich Open-Framework      Chalcogenides Built from Unusual [Cu5(SnxM1-x)Se10] Cluster and      [(SnxM1-x)2Se6]      Dimeric Linker (M = In and Ga), Inorg. Chem., accepted for      publication.

8、Xiaohui Tan, Zhiyu Xue, Hua Zhu, Xin Wang and Dingguo Xu*, How Charged Amino Acids Regulate Nucleation of      Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on the Surface of Collagen Mimetic      Peptides: Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Investigations, Cryst.      Growth & Des., 2020, 20 (7) 4561-4572.

9、Xia Mu and Dingguo Xu*, QM/MM      Investigation of Substrate Binding and Catalytic Mechanism of Subcalss B3      Metallo-b-Lactamase      SMB-1 from Serratia marcescents, J. Mol. Model., 2020, 26, 71

10、Ruihan Wang and Dingguo Xu*,      Molecular Dynamics Investigations of Oligosaccharides Recognized by Family      16 and 22 Carbohydrate Binding Modules, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,      2019, 21, 21485-21496.  

11、Xiaoqin Wang, Zhi-Min Li, Qingyue Li, Mingsong Shi, Lingling Bao,      Dingguo Xu and Zhimin Li, Purification and Biochemical Characterizaiton of      FrsA Protein from Vibrio vulnificus as an Esterase, PLOS One, 2019, e0215084

12、Cuifang Hu, Zhiyu Xue, Xin Wang* and Dingguo Xu*, Molecular Dynamics Exploration of the Amorphous      Surface Structure and Properties of the Biomimetic β-Tricalcium Phosphate,      Appl.      Surf. Sci., 2019, 484, 72-82.

13、Haojie Gu, Zhiyu Xue, Menghao Wang, Mingli Yang, Kefeng Wang* and Dingguo Xu*, The Effect      of Hydroxyapatite Surface on BMP-2 Biological Properties by Docking and      Molecular Simulation Approach, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2019, 123, 3372–3382.

14、Mingsong Shi and Dingguo Xu*,      Molecular Dynamics Exploration of Tweezer-Binding Sites of 14-3-3s Protein: Implication for the Inhibition      Mechanism, Front. Chem. 2019, 7, 237.

15、Zhilin Yang, Tong Wei, Hui Huang, Hong Yang, Yang Zhou* and Dingguo Xu*, Computational      Simulations Guide the Selection of Mutation Points for Old Yellow Enzymes      Family to Control the Degradation Pathway of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene, Phys.      Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 11589-11598.

16、Zhiyu Xue, Mingli Yang and Dingguo      Xu*, Nucleation of Biomimetic Hydroxyapaptite Nanoparticles on the      surface of Type-I Collagen: Molecular Dyanmics Investigations, J.      Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 2533-2543

17、Mingsong Shi, Dingguo Xu* and      Jun Zeng*, GPU Accelerated Quantum Virtual Screening: Application for      natural inhibitors of New Dehli Metalloprotein (NDM-1), Front.      Chem., 2018, 6, 564.

18、Qingyu Liu, Xuehua Dong, Guohong Zou, Dingguo Xu* and Zhien Lin*, An inorganic-organic hybrid solid with      B5O7(OH)3 clusters bridged and decorated      by zinc-amine complexes, Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2018, 96,    97-100.

19、Feiyun Jia, Changzhen Yin, Zeng Yang, Sun Rui, Yi-Cen Ge, Dingguo Xu, Hua Chen, Chunchun Zhang*      and Haiyan Fu*, Mechanism of Direct C−H Arylation of Pyridine via a      Transient Activator Strategy: A Combined Computational and Experimental      Study, J. Org. Chem., 2018,83, 10389-10397.

20、Xia Mu and Dingguo Xu*,      Molecular Dynamics Investigations of the Substrate Binding of Leucotriene      A4 Hydrolase: Implication for the Catalytic Mechanism, J.      Phys. Chem. B, 2018, 128, 7253-7263.

21、Jing Xiong, Chunchun Zhang* and Dingguo      Xu*, Catalytic Mechanism of NanC from Streptococcus pneumoniae: From Covalent Intermediate to Product,      J.      Mol. Model., 2018, 24, 297

22、Junxian Chen, Qingyu Liu, Hao Li, Zhigang Zhao, Zhiyun Lu, Yan Huang*      and Dingguo Xu*, In Silico and      Experimental Investigations of D-A-D’ Structural Molecules as Donor      Materials in Organic Solar Cell, Front. Chem., 2018, 6, 200.

23、Xuehua Dong, Ling Huang, Qingyu Liu, Hongmei Zeng, Zhien Lin, Dingguo Xu and Guohong Zou*,      Perfect Balance Harmony in Ba2NO3(OH)3: A      Beryllium-Free Nitrate as UV Nonlinear Optical Material, Chem.      Comm., 2018, 54, 5792-5795.

24、Qing Xie, Zhiyu Xue, Haojie Gu, Cuifang Hu, Mingli Yang, Xin Wang* and      Dingguo Xu*, Molecular      Exploration of Ordered-to-Disordered Surface Structure of Biomematic      Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticle, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122,      6691-6703.

25、Zhilin Yang, Junxian Chen, Yang Zhou*, Hui Huang, Dingguo Xu*, and Chaoyang Zhang, Understanding Hydrogen      Transfer Mechanism for the Biodegradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene      Catalyzed by Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Reductase: Molecular Dynamics      Simulation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 12157-12165.

26、Dehui Chen, Yeshuang Zhong, Chunchun Zhang, Dingguo Xu* and Zhien Lin*, Dual-ligand approach for the      solvent-free synthesis of indium-based coordination polymers, Inorg.      Chem. Comm. 2018, 92,74-77.

27、Wang Pan, Lijun Mao, Mingsong Shi, Yonghong Fu, Weng Feng, Youzhou He,      Dingguo Xu* and Lihua Yuan*, Cytochrome cycle[6]arimide complex as      supramolecular catalysts in methanol, New J. Chem., 2018, 42,      3857-3866.

28、Penghui Li, Chunchun Zhang and Dingguo  Xu*, Molecular Dynamics Investigations of Cello-oligosaccharide Recognition      by the Multidomain Endoglucanase Cel9G from Clostridium cellulovorans, Phys.      Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 5235- 5245.

29、Wei Wang, Huajun Yang, Min Luo, Yeshuang Zhong, Dingguo Xu, Tao Wu*      and Zhien Lin*, A 36-Membered Ring Metal Chalcogenide with a Very Low Framework      Density, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 14730−14733

30、Yeshuang Zhong, Wei Zhang, Daichuan Ma, Dingguo Xu* and Zhien Lin*, A three-dimensional lead borate      with a fluorite net constructed from different cluster building units, Inorg.      Chem. Comm., 2017, 86, 108-111.

31、Yeshuang Zhong, Cheng Chen, Chunchun Zhang, Dingguo Xu* and Zhien Lin*, Multipole functions of amines in      the synthesis of anionic, cationic, and neutral indium oxalates, Inorg.      Chem. Comm., 2017, 84, 186-189.

32、Qingyu Liu, Fang Zuo, Zhigang Zhao, Junxian Chen* and Dingguo Xu*, Molecular Dynamics      Investigations of An Indicator Displacement Assay Mechanism in Liquid      Crystal Sensor, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19(35)      23924-23933 [HOT ARTICLE]

33、Jing Xiong and Dingguo Xu*,      Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism of Unsaturated Glucuronyl Hydrolase      of Bacillus sp. GL1, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2017, 121,      931-941.

34、Xia Mu, Chunchun Zhang, and Dingguo      Xu*, Qutuamn Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Study of the      Catalytic Activity of N-Domain of Angiontensin Converting Enzyme, J.      Mol. Model. 2016, 22, 132.

35、Hong Wu, Dingguo Xu*,      Mingli Yang* and Xindong Zhang, Surface Structure of Hydroxyapatite from      Simulated Annealing Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Langmuir, 2016, 32,      4643-4652

36、Kangcai Wang, Yixuan Bian, Jing Li, Dingguo Xu* and Zhien Lin*, Amine-Ligated Approach for the      Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Zinc Phosphites with qtz-h and bnn      Topologies, Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 3727-3729

37、Qinfei Huang, Liangwei Jiang, Wenting Liang, Jianchang Gui, Dingguo Xu,      Wanhua Wu, Yoshito Nakai, Masaki Nishijima, Gaku Fukuhara, Tadashi Mori,      Yoshihisa Inoue, Cheng Yang, Inherently Chiral Azonia[6]helicene-Modified   beta-Cyclodextrin: Synthesis, Characterization, and Chirality Sensing of   Underivatized Amino Acids in Water, J. Org. Chem., 2016, 81, 3430-3434

38、Fengxue Li, Min Zheng, Dingguo      Xu*, Functional Role of R462 in the degradation of hyaluronan      catalyzed by hyaluronate lyase from Streptococcus      pneumoniae, J. Mol. Model., 2015, 21, 196.

39、Kangcai Wang, Na Yang, Dingguo      Xu*, Daibing Luo and Zhien Lin*, New open-framework beryllium      phosphates with hcb, sql, and bnn topologies, Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2015, 58, 95-98

40、Yuyu Fang, Xiangyang Yuan, Lei Wu, Zhiyong Peng, Wen Feng, Ning Liu, Dingguo Xu, Shoujian Li, Arijit      Sengupta, Prasanta K.Mohapatra, and Lihua Yuan, Chem. Comm. 2015,      51, 4263-4266.

41、Mingsong Shi, Chunchun Zhang*, Yani Xie and Dingguo Xu*, Stereoselective Recognition Mechanism of b-Cyclodextrion complex with Ketoprofen:      Molecular Dynamics Study, Theo. Chem. Acc., 2014, 133, 1556.

42、Youzhou He,      Min Xu, Rongzhao Gao, Xiaowei Li, Fengxue Li, Xuedan Wu, Dingguo Xu,* Huaqiang Zeng, and      Lihua Yuan*, Two-Component Supramolecular Gels Derived from Amphiphilic      Shape-persistent Cyclo[6]aramide for Specific Recognition of Native   Arginine, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 11834-11839.

43、Kangcai Wang, Daibing      Luo, Dingguo   Xu*, Furong   Guo, Lin Liu and      Zhien Lin*, New open-framework cobalt sulfate-oxalates      based on molecular and chain-like building block, Dalton Transactions,      2014, 43, 13476-13479.

44、Kangcai Wang, Daibing Luo, Dingguo      Xu*, Lin Liu, and Zhien Lin*, New Open-Framework Beryllium Phosphates      with (3,4)-Connected Networks, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2014, 12,      2025-2028.

45、Tingzhi Liu, Daibing Luo, Dingguo      Xu*, Kangcai Wang, and Zhien Lin*, Effect of ligand isomerism on the formation      of magnesium-based coordination networks, Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2014, 48, 136-139.

46、Dingguo Xu,* Qiang Cui and Hua Guo,* Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical      Studies of Zinc Hydrolases, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2014, 33(1),      1-41.

47、Ling Dang, Libo Liang, Cheng Qian, Meiqin Fu, Tongmei Ma,* Dingguo Xu,* Huanfeng Jiang, and      Wei Zeng,* Cu(OAc)2-Promoted Cascade Carboamination/Oxidative Cyclization      of C-Acylimines with Alkenes, J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79 (2), 769-776.

48、 Kangcai Wang, Yu Wang, Dingguo Xu*, Daibing Luo and Zhien Lin*, New Lanthanide Sulfate-Oxalate Hybrid Solids Containing Different Inorganic Building Blocks, Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2013, 36, 146-149.

49、Jingli Liu, Min Zheng, Chunchun Zhang* and Dingguo Xu*, Amide Resonance” in the Catalysis of 1, 2-a-L-Fucosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117 (35) 10080-10092.

50、 Min Zheng, Dingguo Xu*, New Delhi Metallo-b-Lactamase I: Substrate Binding and Catalytic Mechanism, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117, 11596-11607

51、 Min Zheng, Dingguo Xu*, Catalytic Mechansim of Hyaluronate Lyase from Spectrococcus pneumonia: Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical and Density Functional Theory Studies, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117 (35) 10161-10172

52、Chunchun Zhang, Shanshan Wu and Dingguo Xu*, Catalytic Mechanism of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Effects of the Choloride Ion, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117 (22), 6635–6645.

53、Tingzhi Liu, Daibing Luo, Dingguo Xu*, Hongmei Zeng, Zhien Lin*Solvent induced structural variation in magnesium carboxylate frameworks, Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2013, 29, 110-113

54.、Tingzhi Liu, Daibing Luo, Dingguo Xu,* Hongmei Zeng and Zhien Lin* An open-framework rutile-type magnesium isonicotinate and its structural analogue with an anatase topology, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 368-371

55、 Min Zheng, Hongling Zhang, and Dingguo Xu*, Initial Events in the Degradation of Hyaluronan Catalyzed by Hyaluronate Lyase from Spectrococcus pneumonia: QM/MM Simulation, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116, 11166-11172.

56、 Jingli Liu, Chunchun Zhang, Dingguo Xu*, QM/MM study of catalytic mechanism of Xylanase Cex from Cellulomonas fimi, J. Mol. Graph. Model., 2012, 137, 67-76

57.、Ruyin Cao, Yongdong Jin, and Dingguo Xu*, Recognition of Cello-Oligosaccharides by CBM17 from Clostridium cellulovorans: molecular dynamics simulation, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116, 6087-6096

58、 Jianyi Ma, Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Vivian Tyan and Micheal E. Kellman, Isotope effect in normal-to-local transition of acetylene bending modes, J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 014304

59、 Pei W. Thomas, Min Zheng, Shanshan Wu, Hua Guo, Dali Liu, Dingguo Xu,* and Walter Fast*, Characterization of Purified New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase-1, Biochemistry, 2011, 50 (46), 10102–10113

60.、Shanshan Wu, Chunchun Zhang, Ruyin Cao, Dingguo Xu* and Hua Guo, pH-Dependent Reactivity for Glycyl-l-tyrosine in Carboxypeptidase-A-Catalyzed Hydrolysis, J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115 (34), 10360–10367

61.、Xuemei Wang, Shanshan Wu, Dingguo Xu*, Daiqian Xie and Hua Guo, Inhibitor and Substrate Binding by Angiotensin-converting Enzyme: Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Molecular Dynamics Studies, J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2011, 51, 1074-1082.

62、 Christopher R. Smith, Gregory K. Smith, Zhenxiao Yang, Dingguo Xu and Hua Guo*, Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical study of anthrax lethal factor catatalysis, Theo. Chem. Acc. 2011, 128, 83-90

63、Shanshan Wu, Dingguo Xu* and Hua Guo*, QM/MM studies of mono-zinc beta-lactamase CphA suggest that the crystal structure of an enzyme-intermediate complex represents a minor pathway, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17986-17988

64、Shanshan      Wu, Chunchun Zhang, Dingguo Xu*    and Hua Guo*, Catalysis of Carboxypeptidase A: Promoted Water versus Nucleophilic      Pathways, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114(28), 9259-9267

65、Jingli Liu, Xuemei Wang and Dingguo Xu*, QM/MM      study on the catalytic mechanism of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by      cellulase Cel5A from Acidothermus cellulolyticus, J.      Phys. Chem. B, 2010,114(3),1462-1470.

66、Gregory K. Smith, Zhihong Ke, Alvan C. Hengge, Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie,and      Hua Guo, Active-site dynamics of      SpvC virulence factor from Salmonella      Typhimurium and density functional theory study of phosphothreonine      lyase catalysis, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113(46), 15327-15333

67、Dingguo Xu*,      Hua Guo, Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical and density functional      theory studies of a prototypical zinc peptidase (carboxypeptidase A)      suggest a general acid-general base mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131(28), 9780–9788

68、徐定国*,鄢国森,L1 b-Lactamase催化反应机理研究,高等学校化学学报2008, 29(12),2453-2456

69、Ling Li, Zhimin Li, Canhui Wang, Dingguo Xu, P. S. Mariano, Hua      Guo, and D. Dunaway-Mariano, The      electrostatic driving force for covalent catalysis in L-arginine      deiminase: A combined experimental and theoretical study, Biochem., 2008, 47(16), 4721–4732

70、Linsen Pei, Jie      Zhang, Wei Kong, Dingguo Xu,      Hua Guo, Polarization spectroscopy of aluminum phthalocyanine hydroxide      embedded in superfluid helium droplets, Chem.      Phys. Lett., 2008, 462(4-6),173–177

71、Sulan Zhou, Daiqian Xie, Dingguo Xu, Hua      Guo, Robert W. Field, Theoretical Emission Spectra of      HNC(A1A”)      on a New Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface. Chem. Phys. Lett.,      2008, 455(4-6),145–150

72、 Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Ab initio QM/MM Studies of the Phosphoryl Transfer Reaction Catalyzed PEP Mutase Suggest a Dissociative Metaphosphate  Transition State. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112(13), 4102-4108.

73、Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo and Qiang Cui, Deactivation of Penicillin by Dizinc b-Lactamase: Mechanistic Insights from QM/MM and DFT Studies. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129(35), 10814-10822

74、Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo and Qiang Cui, Antibiotic Binding to Dizinc b-Lactamase L1 from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: SCC-DFTB/CHARMM and DFT studies, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111(26), 5630-5636.

75、Canhui Wang, Dingguo Xu, Lidong Zhang, Daiqian Xie and Hua Guo, Molecular Dynamics Functional Studies of Substrate Binding and Catalysis of Arginine Deiminase. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111(12), 3267-3273.

76、Lidong Zhang, Daiqian Xie, Dingguo Xu and Hua Guo, Supermolecule density functional calculations suggest a key role for solvent in alkaline hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Chem. Comm., 2007, 16, 1638-1640.

77、Demian Riccardi, Patricia Schaefer, Yang Yang, Haibo Yu, Nilanjan Ghosh, Xavier Prat-Resina, Peter König, Guohui Li, Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Marcus Elstner, and Qiang Cui, (feature article) Development of Effective Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical (QM/MM) Methods for Complex Biological Processes, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110(13), 6458-6469.

78、Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, and Hua Guo, Catalytic Mechanism of Class B2 Metallo-b-Lactamase, J. Biol. Chem., 2006, 281(13), 8740-8747.

79、 Lidong Zhang, Daiqian Xie, Dingguo Xu and Hua Guo, Reactivity of Metaphosphate and Thiometaphosphate in water: a DFT study, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109(49), 11295-11303.

80、Jingbo Wu, Dingguo Xu, Xuefeng Lu, Canhui Wang, Hua Guo and Debra Dunaway-Mariano, Contributions of Long-Range Electrostatic Interactions to 4-Chlorobenzoyl-CoA Dehalogenase Catalysis: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study, Biochem., 2006 45(1), 102-112.

81、Dingguo Xu, Yanzi Zhou, Daiqian Xie, and Hua Guo, QM/MM and density functional theory studies of monozinc CphA-Lactamase from A. hydropila and its binding with biapenem, J. Med. Chem.,2005, 48(21), 6679-6689.

82、 Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Electrostatic Influence of Active-site Waters on the Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Catalyzed by 4-Chlorobenoyl-CoA Dehalogenase: a QM/MM Simulation, FEBS Lett., 2005, 579(20), 4249-4253.

83、Jian Wang, Hao Li, Yujiang Mei, Bihshow Lou, Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo and Wei Wang, Direct, Facile Aldehyde and Ketone a-Selenenylation Reactions Promoted by L-Prolinamide and Pyrrolidine Sulfonamide Organocatalysts, J. Org. Chem., 2005, 70(14), 5678-5687.

84、Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Yun Liu and Darrin York, Theoretical Studies of Dissociative Phosphoryl Transfer in Interconversion of Phosphoenolpyruvate to Phosphonopyruvate: Solvent and Thio Effects, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109(28), 13827-13834.

85、Daiqian Xie, Yanzi Zhou, Dingguo Xu, and Hua Guo, Solvent Effect on Concertedness of Transition State for Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Acetate, Org. Lett., 2005, 7(11), 2093-2095

86、 Daiqian Xie, Dingguo Xu, Lidong Zhang and Hua Guo, Theoretical Study of General Base-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Aryl-esters and Implications for Enzymatic Reaction, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109(11), 5259-5266.

87、Dingguo Xu, Yanshen Wei, Jingbo Wu, Debra Dunaway-Mariano, Hua Guo, Jiali Gao and Qiang Cui, QM/MM Studies of Enzyme Catalyzed Dechlorination of 4-Chlorobenzoyl-CoA and Their Implications to Kinetic Model, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126(42), 13649-13658.

88、 Lihua Yuan, Wen Feng, Kazuhiro Yamato, Adam Sanford, Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo and Bing Gong, Highly Efficient, One Step Macrocyclizations Assisted by Backbone-Preorganization, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126(36), 11120- 11121.

89、 Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Jiali Gao, and Qiang Cui, A QM/MM study of Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction Catalyzed by 4-Chlorobenzoyl-CoA Dehalogenase, Chem. Comm., 2004(7) 892-893.

90、Dingguo Xu, Hua Guo, Shengli Zou and J. M. Bowman, A Scaled Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface for Acetylene and Vinylidene, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2003, 377(5-6), 582-588.

91、Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Theoretical Studies of Resonance Emission Spectra of HCN/DCN Using Single Lanczos Propagation Method, J. Theo. Comput. Chem., 2003, 2(4), 639-648.

92、Dingguo Xu, Rongqing Chen, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Calculation of Resonance Emission Spectra Using a Single Lanczos Propagation Method, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 225 2003, pt.2, p.U435-U435

93、 Dingguo Xu, Ronqing Chen, Hua Guo, Probing Highly Excited Vibrational Eigenfunctions Using a Modified Lanczos Propagation Method: Application to Acetylene (HCCH), J. Chem. Phys., 2003, 118(16), 7273-7282.

94、Dingguo Xu, Guohui Li, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Full Dimensional Quantum Calculations of Vibrational Energy Levels of Acetylene (HCCH) up to 13000 cm-1, Chem. Phys. Lett.,2002, 365(5-6), 480-486.

95、Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Predissociation of HCN/DCN in Two Lowest-lying Singlet Excited States: Effect of Fermi Resonances on Spectra and Dynamics, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106(43), 10174-10183.

96、Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Theoretical Study of Predissociation Dynamics of HCN/DCN in Their First Absorption Bands, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 116(24), 10626- 10635.

97、Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, A New Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface of HCN(11A'') and the Predissociative Resonances of HCN and DCN, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2001, 345(5-6), 517-524.

98、Daiqian Xie, Yuhui Lu, Dingguo Xu, Guosen Yan, Theoretical Studies on the Potential Energy Surface and Rovibrational States for the Electronic Ground State of Carbonyl Sulfide, Chem. Phys., 2001, 270(3), 415-428.

99、Dingguo Xu, Yuhui Lu, Daiqian Xie, Guosen Yan, Theoretical Studies on the Potential Energy Surface and Rovibrational States for the Electronic Ground State of SO2 , Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 2000, 21(12), 1884-1887.、

100、Ying Xue, Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Guosen Yan, Density Functional Theory Studies on Tautomeric Stability and Infrared Spectra of 2-Chloroadenine, Spectrochimica Acta  A, 2000, 56(10), 1929-1938.

101、Ying Xue, Dingguo Xu, Daiqian Xie, Guosen Yan, Density Functional Theory Studies on Molecular Structure and IR Spectra of Guanine - A Scaled Quantum Mechanical Force Field Approach, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 2000, 21(8), 1293-1298.



1. Dingguo Xu*, Min Zheng, Shanshan Wu, Principles and Applications of Hybrid Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods, J. Zeng et al. (eds.), Quantum Simulations of Materials and Biological Systems, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4948-1_9, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012, Page155-168


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